Muscle Building Tips - Expert's Guide to Weight Training From Day One
By Adam Marshall
Becoming proficient at lifting weights and really being able to see the improvements is a very satisfying thing. Unfortunately most people give up before they start to see the difference. This seems to be, in most cases, because they have been training incorrectly so are not making great leaps forward.
For a start, many people do not have a plan they can follow. This should be a routine so you understand what you are doing each training session. Instead of just working on whichever muscle group you feel like you should know what you are doing.
It is also a good idea to have a journal where you mark down how many reps you did and how much weight you lifted. You need to be making constant improvements to build muscle so you need to know what you are lifting. This is a mistake I made where lifted the same amount of weight for the same number of reps over and over again. It is no surprise that it made barely any difference. You need to challenge yourself each session.
Another vital factor is your form. You need to lift weights with good form and shape or you are deceiving yourself. By this I mean you should not shift your body around and let the weight fall down on the downward movement. You should make it a gradual and consistent movement where you are ion control of the movement and in control of the weight.
By implementing these things into your weight training routine from the very beginning you should see much better improvements in your muscle growth and this will give you the motivation to work hard and really master training with weights.
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