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Friday, October 30, 2009
Breast Reduction Surgery video
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Muscle Building Workout For Stronger and Bigger Legs
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Muscle Building Tips - Expert's Guide to Weight Training From Day One
Muscle Building Tips - Expert's Guide to Weight Training From Day One
By Adam Marshall
Becoming proficient at lifting weights and really being able to see the improvements is a very satisfying thing. Unfortunately most people give up before they start to see the difference. This seems to be, in most cases, because they have been training incorrectly so are not making great leaps forward.
For a start, many people do not have a plan they can follow. This should be a routine so you understand what you are doing each training session. Instead of just working on whichever muscle group you feel like you should know what you are doing.
It is also a good idea to have a journal where you mark down how many reps you did and how much weight you lifted. You need to be making constant improvements to build muscle so you need to know what you are lifting. This is a mistake I made where lifted the same amount of weight for the same number of reps over and over again. It is no surprise that it made barely any difference. You need to challenge yourself each session.
Another vital factor is your form. You need to lift weights with good form and shape or you are deceiving yourself. By this I mean you should not shift your body around and let the weight fall down on the downward movement. You should make it a gradual and consistent movement where you are ion control of the movement and in control of the weight.
By implementing these things into your weight training routine from the very beginning you should see much better improvements in your muscle growth and this will give you the motivation to work hard and really master training with weights.
Want to get a Ripped Body? Then Click Here for the secrets!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Marshall
Grow Huge Muscles Or Strong Muscles
Grow Huge Muscles Or Strong Muscles
By Michael J Stuart
Big bulging muscles are always associated with strength and power; the bigger they are the stronger you are. Increasing muscle strength does also increase muscle mass but usually strength and size are not increased at an equal rate and it all depends on what style of training you do as to what increases faster - size or strength.
A good example of this is the difference between power lifters and bodybuilders, while both groups are large and extremely strong, power lifters will easily lift far more weights than a body builder of similar size.
This is because muscle hypertrophy (the growth and enlargement of muscles) happens in two different ways and how you train your muscles decides on which way will be more dominate. The body builders increase muscle mass primarily by Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy which is basically the levels of sarcoplasmic fluid increasing in the muscle cells, which increases muscle mass and gives the muscles a bulging, well rounded appearance but does not do very much in the way of increasing muscle strength. This Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy is achieved by training with sub-maximal loads usually in sets of 8 to 12 reps but it can be more, with short rests between sets.
Power lifters on the other hand train differently and increase their muscle mass via Myofibrillar Hypertrophy which is when the myofibrils (the strands of fibers in your muscles) increase in size which increases strength by a far bigger rate than Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy but not so much in size. It is also believed that given enough stress during heavy training, after reaching a certain size the myofibrils will split, and with the more fibers in a muscle being a large contributing factor into possible power output, the more fibers that split the better. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy is achieved by training with maximal loads (right up near your one rep maximum) for sets of 1 to 4 reps (can be as many as 6) with large rests between each set.
Just as a side note it should be noted that for anyone starting out in weight training for the first time, the first 6 months will likely see a big increase in strength with little to no increase in muscle size regardless of which training style is used because during this time the training is increasing and improving the muscular-neuro link via your nervous system (the link from your brain to the muscle) which improves the ability to use a muscle. The extra strength gained during the initial training is not due to Myofibrillar Hypertrophy; it's just that through training you are able to use more of the possible power already stored in the muscle.
The bigger your muscles get, the stronger you get, this is true but big muscles on one person will not necessarily be stronger than smaller ones on another person, it all depends on what type of training has been done, whether the muscles are large because they are full of big thick fibers or just pumped up full of fluid and also how good the persons muscular-neuro link is.
The one draw back of training power lifter style is that while the power output achieved is great, there is very poor endurance to go with it, so mixing your program up a little if you took on this style of training with a little strength-endurance work would be beneficial.
Michael Stuart is a fitness professional and believes that everyone should make fitness a part of their life in some way so as to get the most they can out of the life they have. Good fitness is a choice, so make the right one, get Wickedly Fit. Visit http://www.wickedlyfit.com for free workouts, exercise descriptions and more health and fitness articles.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Stuart
Big bulging muscles are always associated with strength and power; the bigger they are the stronger you are. Increasing muscle strength does also incr
Increasing Muscle Mass Easily
By Nils E
Increasing Muscle Mass
In order to increase muscle mass there are a number of things you need to do. It is not easy but fortunately it is not super hard. I guarantee that if you do these things you will begin to notice fast and large gains quicker then you thought was possible!
Workout Correctly Yeah pretty obvious right? You need to work out to gain muscle mass. The problem is a lot of people do not workout right! You need to learn how to do the muscle movements just right, feel your muscle flexing as it lifts those weights. If you can learn this you will be on your way to increasing mass muscle.
Get a plan Make a routine, get a plan, get started. You need to make sure you work all muscle groups, work out about 3 times a day, and don't overwork or under work any specific area. I find that working out one area once a week works best.
Rest Your body does not build muscle while working out, it builds muscle while you sleep. This is huge as many beginners do not realize it. If you sleep right your muscle mass will increase.
Nutrition Eating the right amount of proteins and at the right times is important. Make sure you increase the amount of food you eat, try to eat 5 - 6 small meals a day. This may sound excessive but to pack on those pounds of muscle it is imperative.
Follow these and you should be well in your way to increasing mass muscle!
To learn how to get the body you want, and start getting all of those compliments, come check out my website on Increasing Mass Muscle and start to change your body.
Remember! Your body won't change without working on it, so keep it up and make sure to work, come to my website and learn More.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nils_E
Fastest Way to Build Muscle
Fastest Way to Build Muscle
By Kieran Moloney
The fastest way to build muscle and by that I mean build big muscle should -in a similar way to all other fitness goals- follow a combined, focused attitude towards your Training, Diet and Exercise. This focus will ensure you gain maximum muscle from your program.
Seeing as that your aim is to build muscle Fast I take you want to build some solid muscle mass in a short period of time say 3/4/5 weeks. With this in consideration the best approach is to juristically alter your Exercise and Nutrition during this time while still sticking to the fundamental, tried and tested principles of building muscles.
This will ensure that the Muscles of the Body are forced to grow!
Too often people use the same training and eating habits when trying to Gain Muscle Fast. Over a prolonged period of time the body just grows stagnant from the same un-stimulating exercises and mundane nutrition.
You and your workout!
Low repetitions such as in the 1-5 are used for building strength, speed and power. However, seeing as that our primary focus is on muscle hypertrophy (building lean muscle) the reps should be kept in the 6-12 range.
Anything over 12 reps will build muscle but more muscle condition as oppose to out-and-out lean muscle mass gains. Consequently, 6-12 reps is the best option.
4-10 sets should be allocated to each muscle group. This will be optimal for muscle regeneration and development provided you are using a reasonably heavy weight with good form.
Going over 10 sets could break your muscle down too much leaving you susceptible to overtraining and injury which halts any improvement immediately.
Fastest way to Build Muscle
Timing is one of the most disregarded things for people who are aiming build muscle Fast. Timing will help stress the muscles more thus breaking down the muscle more.
A tell-tale sign is if this works is that it contributes to causes of sore muscles. A good thing for muscle builders!
Timing can be altered like so;
--Declining for the duration of 4 seconds-inclining for 1 second.
4-Rest Period
When building muscle no more than 40 seconds should be taken between sets. This brings intensity to your weight lifting session which will help shock nervous system into growth.
Super setting is another aspect which is often disregarded in building muscle mass workout regimes. Super setting is when 2 different exercise of different muscle groups are done without rest.
For example, Dumbbell rows for 8 reps then elevated push-ups for 12 reps. This also brings intensity to your workout a pivotal aspect to build muscle fast.
Eat to Get BIG!
-- Typical Gain Muscle Mass and Serious Size Diet for an Ecto/Endomorphs -
Calories -- bodyweight in lbs x 22
Protein -- bodyweight in lbs x 1.6
Carbs -- bodyweight in lbs x 2.5
Fats -- bodyweight in lbs x .50
-- Typical Gain Muscle Mass and Serious Size Diet for a Mesomorph --
Calories -- bodyweight in lbs x 20
Protein -- bodyweight in lbs x 1.4
Carbs -- bodyweight in lbs x 2.5
Fats -- bodyweight in lbs x .45
Protein - Your protein intake should be made up of whey, chicken/turkey breasts, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.
Carbs - Your carb sources should be mainly low G.I foods such as oats, brown rice and wholemeal bread. Also include your five-a-day fruit and vegetable requirements.
Fats - Too make up the rest of your fat requirements extra virgin olive oil, oily fish, cashew nuts, almonds etc. Should make up for this.
A Low-Fat diet is a definite no-no when trying to build muscle fast. Eating fat increases the quantity of anabolic (muscle mass building) hormones in your body such as Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Insulin like growth factor (IGF-1)
Water - 1 gallon per day (4 litres). Essential for absorption of all your precious muscle build nutrients!
Visit http://www.body2shape.com/Gain-Muscle-Mass.html to learn more about gaining muscle mass Fast!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kieran_Moloney
Bodybuilding Basics For Packing on the Muscle
Bodybuilding Basics For Packing on the Muscle
By Emile Jarreau
Just about everyone knows how effective bodybuilding can be for transforming one's body. Packing on serious amounts of muscle and losing serious amounts of fat can go a long way to helping you achieve the look of the physique you've always wanted. Bodybuilding is a popular pastime for many and most men have taken part in it at least one time in their life, often to mixed results.
Even though body building is one of the most common activities for younger men, many of them never take the time to learn the principles of it so that they can truly reap the benefits that can be derived from effective bodybuilding. These can include everything from massive strength and size gains to increased cardiovascular endurance and overall physical health and wellness. Let's look at a few of the problems that often stand in the way of individuals and their bodybuilding goals of packing on the muscle.
First of all, many approach body building with a backward mentality in that they try to train each individual muscle group in their quest for the perfect body. This approach makes absolutely no sense if you're a beginner bodybuilder and are trying to put on muscle. The fact is, you can do arm curls all day and shape your biceps but you'll never put on serious mass with this activity. The best advice in the world for inexperienced bodybuilders is to work on the largest muscle groups at the beginning of the workout so you have the best chance of gaining significant muscle. For instance performing 10 to 15 sets of squats with a heavy weight as the basis of your workouts will go much farther than trying to do individual exercises for each of your body parts. Simply choose two or three major muscle group exercises and stick with those, at least in the beginning.
One of the next things to pay attention to in our journey to pack on the muscle is to rest our bodies as much as possible. This may seem counterproductive when we're trying to build muscle and you may have the urge to continue working out each and every day, but this is most likely a mistake. The fact is, your muscles will grow only when you're resting, not when you're working out. Make sure that each day of intense physical exercise including weight training is followed by a full day of rest so that your muscles can recuperate and build.
Finally, we need to talk about nutrition. As a bodybuilder, you want to increase the amount of calories you take in to feed the muscular growth that you want to occur, but you must feed your body with the right types of calories. This means to increase the amount of lean fish, meats, nuts, and fruits and vegetables. Don't just eat junk for the sake of filling your body with calories. Junk food will simply cause you to gain fat and will take you further and further away from your goals.
The simple principles above will help you get started in bodybuilding and allow you to begin packing on some serious muscle in your endeavor to get into the best shape possible.
Emile Jarreau has been involved in Fitness and Bodybuilding for over 32 years. For more information regarding fat loss go to http://www.MrFatLoss.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emile_Jarreau
My Story - How I Became a Bodybuilder
My Story - How I Became a Bodybuilder
By Alan Tolchin, M.D.
Hello there, let me tell you about how I became a bodybuilder. Like most medical students I had little time or interest in going to a gym on a regular basis. I did want to lose some weight but the thought of exercise left me uninspired. Then I discovered aerobics and how you could burn body fat by raising your heart-rate to a level in the 70-80% range of your maximum cardiac output. I started to do the "StairMaster" machine at a local gym and with headphones on a 20-30 minute session at an aerobic heart-rate was no problem at all; in fact I ended up doing aerobic training almost every day for several months. I did lose 10lbs or so of weight that was mostly body-fat and I was down to 145lbs.
One day while on the stairmaster, I noticed all the dumbells, barbells and free-weights that were in another area of the gym and I asked one of the staff what that was all about. He told me that there were two ways to go: either a lean slim compact body or a body with curves and rounded muscles. The second way, he said, was accomplished by weight-training while still keeping body fat down with aerobic exercise after the weight-training session. This, of course required spending more time at the gym but I was very curious about what effect weight-lifting would have on my now flat but lean body. In fact someone in the locker room looked at me and told me that I looked like a teenager.
So with help from the staff trainers I began to exercise with weight 3-4 times a week. What I didn't realize was that I had great genetics for muscle-building and it soon was quite obvious that my shoulders and chest were getting rounder and larger. I started to learn to isolate my muscle groups and started reading everything about bodybuilding that I could lay my hands on. After several months I was hooked and couldn't wait to get to the gym and try out new and different exercises. The trainers told me to give up the aerobic exercise and I would build muscle more easily. I changed my diet to a high-protein/low fat/moderate carbohydrate one and began eating 4-5 smaller meals during the day. The results were amazing and real; my self-esteem started to grow and in the first year of bodybuilding I gained 10lbs of muscle. Now I was definitely hooked.
During the next 4 years my training became more intense as I developed different exercises that helped me to isolate a particular muscle and feel the contraction as I worked out with weight. I spent one entire summer learning how to isolate and train my back which was lagging behind my chest according to one of the senior trainers at the gym. I switched to a more hard-core bodybuilding gym and added 10 lbs of muscle every year for the next 3-4 years at which time I weighed 185 lbs with a body fat of only 7%. I had reached my genetic potential and I plateaued at that weight watching my diet and downing loads of amino acid tablets for extra protein.
I was getting ready to compete as compliments and stares came my way. I felt like a transformed person and I actually have much greater self-esteem and self-confidence now that I have become a successful bodybuilder.
Should you be interested in obtaining further information about bodybuilding workouts and weight-training routines please visit my blog: http://www.customizedbodybuildingworkouts.blogspot.com as I continually post different aspects about my experiences with bodybuilding. My email address for this article is ajtolchin@gmail.com where I will personally evaluate your bodybuilding workouts and suggest changes in your routines as well as recommend various ways to isolate targeted muscle groups that you may need to use to enjoy a more intense and personally satisfying workout either in the gym or at home.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Tolchin,M.DBeginners Guide to Bodybuilding
Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding
By James Jameson
So you're new to bodybuilding and you want to know where to start. Well, first you need to evaluate yourself. Gaining mass is not exactly easy, and it can actually be very difficult at times. If you think you're willing to commit to working out for a solid 6-8 weeks before seeing results, then read on. But know that once you do see results, you'll just want more and more. When that happens you know you're on the way to having the dream body you never thought you could inhabit.
I'm going to go over a few misconceptions that beginners have when it comes to bodybuilding. The first thing they think is that they only need to lift and do nothing else. This is very far from the truth. There are three main components needed to build a good body: exercise, a good diet, and lots of rest. If you do not get all three then you will see little to no gains.
Diet largely depends on what your goals are. If you're trying to lose weight then you're going to need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This means you're going to be hungry at times and you're going to have to ignore the urge to eat. It's still crucial that you maintain a good balance of carbs, proteins, and fats (40%-44%-15%), but you just need to scale it back a bit. If you're trying to put on weight, then you'll need to consume an additional 500 or so calories a day, which means you'll have to eat even if you're not hungry.
Exercise is self explanatory, well to an extent. You need to make sure that you're hitting the weights consistently and switching it up from time to time. If you keep the same routine for too long, you'll end up reaching a plateau where you won't see any more gains. You should also take regular breaks so that your body can recover. If you keep going at an exhaustive pace for weeks on end, then you'll just end up overtraining and actually losing muscle mass and overall energy.
Muscle is built through the reconstruction of microtears in the fibers. What this means, basically, is that your muscles get a bunch of little tears in them when you lift something heavy. After a few days the tears heal and your muscle is rebuilt stronger and larger. Your body, however, can not effectively heal your muscles unless you're resting. So you need about six to nine hours of sleep a night if you want to make any significant gains and progress.
This isn't all you need to know about gaining huge amounts of mass, however. It's really just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to find out more info and learn how I went from 130lbs to 180lbs in six months, then check out this fantastic resource.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Jameson
Get Huge Shoulders - A How to Guide
Get Huge Shoulders - A How to Guide
By Nils L Evensen
Learning how to get rid of those boney small shoulders that skinny kids have is one of the first questions most beginners ask when looking to gain muscle mass.
Big shoulders help to create a great confident imposing look. It makes your posture look more correct and definitely makes you look more athletic. So how do we get this look that we want?
Overhead Press
Using the overhead press is one of the best ways you can build large shoulders. Adding this to your routine will definitely help you, behind the neck press and the arnold press are two great things you will want to add to your routine in order to get huge shoulders.
More weight, less reps
A rule of thumb to follow if you are trying to gain more muscle. Keeping your weight high and your reps low will build muscle faster. Make sure you are careful though as injury is never fun.
Believe it or not these will help you make large gains in both your chest and shoulders. Often Boxers will train with push-ups as it will strengthen the area around the shoulders and chest. Add these to your routine every few nights, you will be surprised.
Keep working
Remember just work out the shoulders hard once a week and work out the rest of your body. This will help you make the most massive and fast gains that you desire, keep up with the nutrition and you will get huge shoulders in no time.
To learn how to get the body you want, and start getting all of those compliments, come check out my website on Get Huge Shoulders and start to change your body.
Remember! Your body won't change without working on it, so keep it up and make sure to work, come to my website and learn More.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nils_L_Evensen
Get Huge Chest Muscles - A How to Guide
Get Huge Chest Muscles - A How to Guide
By Nils L Evensen
OK so you want to work out the pectorals, but you don't know where to start? Well good thing, because your in the right place.
First off you need to realize that in order to make large gains you need to use larger weight and smaller reps. This causes the body to grow at a more rapid rate then if you had used more reps and less weight.
The basic workout you can do is the normal bench press. There are many different ways to do this and I would suggest using all of them. Incline works upper chest, decline is lower, and normal is of course in between.
So in order to get huge chest muscles you should be doing around 3 sets of 8 reps. Workout your chest about once a week, twice is possible but stretching it, when you work it out make sure to do a good job. Don't just bench, try different routines that will work the chest.
Make sure you continue to work out the rest of your body. Working out the back will make your chest look bigger as it will fix up your posture, nothing looks worse then someone who is lopsided. Also when you work out other parts of your body with free weights many of the exercises will slightly work the chest too.
Nutrition is half of the battle, make sure you get enough protein and calories. Skipping out on nutrition is a sure way to fail.
Keep it up! You will get huge chest muscles before you know it!
To learn how to get the body you want, and start getting all of those compliments, come check out my website on Get Huge Chest Muscles and start to change your body.
Remember! Your body won't change without working on it, so keep it up and make sure to work, come to my website and learn More.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nils_L_Evensen
Muscle Mass Building Workouts
Muscle Mass Building Workouts
By Nils E
Having the right workouts to build muscle is extremely important. If you have the wrong workout routine you can end up accidentally under training. Which will leave you looking awkward and lopsided. The opposite is also true, you could end up over training, which can end in injury and no gains at all!
Making sure that you perform each rep correctly is a must. You need to feel your body flexing at the right spot at the right time. Many people just move the weight, which is important, but they are not getting the full effects that they could be getting.
Muscle mass building workouts are extremely important to your program. It should be low reps high weight. This will ensure that you get the most amount of gains possible. Generally I stick to 8 reps or so for each workout.
A great thing to make sure you do is workout each body area once a week. Doing this will ensure great gains. This works because your body is building muscle while you sleep, not while you work out. It will get a more intensive workout if you focus on it on one day, then it can have the rest of the week to build and grow. Likewise rest is an extremely important thing, work out three times a week and make sure to get plenty of sleep.
If you follow all of these things you will be ensured mass gains. The biggest thing besides your muscle mass building workouts is actually nutrition. This is the other half to making large gains besides your building routine. Remember these things won't work if you won't try them. So keep it all up and get the body you want.
To learn how to get the body you want, and start getting all of those compliments, come check out my website on Muscle Mass Building Workouts and start to change your body.
Remember! Your body won't change without working on it, so keep it up and make sure to work, come to my website and learn More.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nils_E
Biggest Loser Diet Tips
Biggest Loser Diet Tips
By Jesse L Regan
The biggest loss that could make one a winner in the fitness department is that of weight. Motivated by a contest, a weight-loss race, or not, anyone who makes the most wonderful changes by shedding off the fat is surely a winner in his own right. Considering the sacrifices and the obstacles met while embarking on a weight-loss journey, any success achieved in the end is worth celebrating and cherishing much as a boxing victor would with his belt.
No successful weight-loser got the fit body they desired for through some miracles though. One just does not gorge a feast for dinner and wake up the next with a body of a featherweight boxing champion. The twin combination of workout and diet can be his powerful left and right hooks that could knock the fats away. Doing workouts may not be much of a challenge since it merely requires a person to do something new. Dieting, on the other hand, demands one to rid of something he has been used to eating. However, the biggest weight-loser also happens to make the most points in the dieting category.
The consolation is that even expert nutritionists and fitness trainers would insist that one does not need to forego meals in dieting. One only has to make sure that he eats the right kinds of food, those that will complement his workout efforts instead of recovering the lost fats. In fact, a suggestion would be to eat often but in small amounts. That would allow one to take light snacks in between meals, making it impossible to go hungry.
Since people has easily assumed the fast-food culture as though it is a common cold, there are also some tips that may help put on the brakes on the greasy fares. First, one can ask for a take-out box as soon as he orders food. He can put half of what he ordered in it while he eats the rest right there in the joint. Second, he should stop eating before he is stuffed. Third, he might as well cook a healthy non-fat food and eat at home.
Many think that posting a slender and sexy model's poster on the fridge's door can help motivate someone to lose weight. This may work in the opposite way though since the poster may just encourage him to visit the fridge more often. A good tip will be posting instead a picture of what one wants to avoid, perhaps an obese person squatting over a broken chair. That can drive away anyone from the food box's seduction.
Another helpful tip would be to learn preparing healthy but tasty cuisine. Dieting should not deprive one of his rights to eat delectable food. There are ingredients and meat alternatives that can be purchased at the grocery. A newbie in dieting would need the advice from experts in nutrition and culinary arts to teach him cook these sinfully delicious but purely non-fat delights.
If you are looking for more tips about eating right then you will love this site. It is about joining Jesse in taking care of yourself and experiencing the many benefits of being a Beachbody coach. If you are into health and fitness and want to see a way you can make a living getting in the best shape of your life, then contact Jesse now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesse_L_Regan
How to Quickly Lose 20 Pounds in One Month - Lose 20 Lbs Fast Doing This!
How to Quickly Lose 20 Pounds in One Month - Lose 20 Lbs Fast Doing This!
By Chandra North
Women and men all over the world keep wondering how to quickly lose 20 pounds in one month without sweating in the gym for long hours or without dieting till they feel dizzy. Till a few months ago not many people knew Acai Berry help people lose weight effortlessly but ever since this fruit was mentioned in a popular TV show people are becoming more aware that this fruit can change their life. This article will elaborate on how to quickly lose 20 pounds in one month without joining expensive gyms or opting for tasteless diet food.
How Can Acai Berry Help Me Lose Weight Fast?
Acai Berry is a natural fruit that contains powerful antioxidants that do not let cells oxidize. These wonderful fruits also increase the metabolic rate that causes people to burn calories faster. Acai Berry also makes people feel full faster which reduces the amount of food eaten. These berries make food to move properly in the colon hence eliminating excess food. Since there is no excess food left behind, the person does not put on weight, instead he loses weight due to a higher metabolic rate.
Can I Really 20 Lbs Fast Doing This?
If you consume Acai supplements as per the instructions on the bottle then yes you can lose weight fast. People who want to know how to quickly lose 20 pounds in one month should keep in mind that these berries also cause people to feel energetic which will cause them to become more active. When the person becomes more active he will burn more calories easily and lose weight. Due to being active in the day after consuming Acai Berries most people get good sleep at night.
Acai Berries are a good option to lose weight especially for people who have a hectic life. These berries help a person shed unwanted pounds while providing energy.
You can get a free bottle of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse (just pay shipping and handling) while supplies last. One bottle will help you lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. You can Click Here to go to the website.
Visit my website http://www.ChandrasDietSuccess.com to learn more about how I used Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse together to lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chandra_North
How to Lose 20 Kilos in 3 Months - Quickly Lose 20 Kilo Doing This!
How to Lose 20 Kilos in 3 Months - Quickly Lose 20 Kilo Doing This!
By Chandra North
People all over the world are interested in knowing how to lose 20 kilos in 3 months without dieting or exercising. Many doctors claim that it is impossible to lose so much weight in 3 months without dieting and exercising but the truth is that losing weight effortlessly is indeed possible. This article will elaborate on how to lose 20 kilos in 3 months without sweating in the gym or dieting every day.
What Is This Miraculous Formula?
Acai Berry supplements have become very popular ever since they the benefits of the Acai fruit were spoken about on a famous show. People all over the world have been using Acai supplements and benefiting from them since these pills and capsules allow people to lose up to 8 kilos every month.
Are Acai Supplements Safe or Will They Have Side Effects?
Acai Berry supplements are created from the Acai fruit found in Brazil. These Acai supplements are natural and safe provided the recommended dosage is consumed. Taking extra pills to lose more weight is not recommended since losing more than 20 Kilos in 3 months is not healthy.
What Are The Other Health Benefits Offered By Acai Supplements?
People who are interested to know how to lose 20 kilos in 3 months should note that Acai supplements can also lower the bad cholesterol in the body. Other benefits of Acai supplements include more energy, a lower risk of cancer, lesser chances of heart problems and freedom from sleep disorders like insomnia.
The claims made by Acai supplement companies are true since these supplements can change your life for the better. While choosing a good Acai supplement it is recommended to read the ingredients carefully since not all companies use pure Acai extract. The best Acai formula will contain 4:1 Acai which is the purest and the best available in the market.
One of the best brands of Acai on the market is Acai Slim.
You can get a free bottle of Acai Slim and Colon Cleanse (just pay shipping and handling) while supplies last. Click here to go to the website.
Visit my website http://www.ChandrasDietSuccess.com to learn more about how I used Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse together to lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chandra_North
How Can I Reduce My Waist Size? 2 Things That Will Shrink Your Waist
How Can I Reduce My Waist Size? 2 Things That Will Shrink Your Waist
By Chandra North
How can I reduce my waist size is a question that troubles both men and women. Both men and women try a variety of products that claim to reduce weight but the only thing reduced with these products is the money in your wallet. This article is going to elaborate on 2 genuine products, Acai Berries and Colon Cleansing supplements, that will help you lose weight without changing your lifestyle.
So How Can I Reduce My Waist Size Easily?
Acai Berry products have earned a good reputation since they actually work. These products use Acai extract to increase the metabolic rate of a person in order to burn more calories. People who use Acai Berry products lose fat on the waist and reduce 6 - 8 pounds every month. Colon Cleanse is a product that is often used along with Acai Berry supplement since these two products work best together. Colon Cleansing eliminates old feces from the colon that causes people to put on weight and build up toxins. People who consume Acai supplements along with Colon Cleanse supplements end up having slimmer waists as compared to people who only use one of these products.
Which Brand Do I Choose?
People who are thinking, so how can I reduce my waist size, should keep in mind that each brand is made differently. Acai Berry supplements should contain 4:1 Acai since this is the purest form of Acai. Colon Cleanse supplements should contain two or more beneficial ingredients. Beneficial ingredients include Cascara Sagrada, Bentonite Clay, Senna Leaves, and Black Walnut. Some Colon Cleanse supplements also contain Acai extract.
Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse supplements will not only help you to reduce your waist size but also feel more energetic. People who have tried using these two products will tell you that the combination of these two things is unbeatable.
You can get a free bottle of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse (just pay shipping and handling) while supplies last. Click Here Now.
Visit my website http://www.ChandrasDietSuccess.com to learn more about how I used Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse together to lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chandra_North
Lose Weight Quick With Healthy Eating
Lose Weight Quick With Healthy Eating
By Rachel Riley
How to Eat Yourself Thin
How to Lose-Weight-Quick Diet: Do's & Do Not's
1. Eat 5-6 small meals a day
By eating several small meals, it will help keep your metabolism up which means your burn more calories. If you want to lose weight quick you need to keep your metabolism revving and working for you.
2. Eat fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients and natural sugars. Eating more fibrous fruits, such as apples and pears, will fill you up more.
3. Drink water throughout the day
Your body needs water to function. Drink water with each meal and it will help fill you up too. Doing so can help prevent you from overeating because you will feel full.
4. Eat lean meats
Lean meats have less fat. Simply put, the less fat you eat, the less fat you gain. Ask for lean cuts where you buy your meats or just check the package. Hamburgers can be healthy if you buy the 85% fat free ones rather than the cheaper 75% ones.
5. Eat your carbohydrates earlier in the day
Carbohydrates provide the energy your body needs to exercise and get through your day. By eating them earlier, you get the energy your body needs and can be burning it throughout the day when your metabolism is higher rather than at night when you are settling in from the day then going to bed.
6. Dinner should consist of protein and vegetables
Limiting dinner to a meat and vegetables goes along with the above statement. Carbohydrates basically provide instant energy and if you don't need them, they get stored, which means you gain weight, rather than burn it off. This combo is the perfect dinner to help you lose weight quick.
7. Eat foods high in fiber
Foods high in fiber will make you feel full. You don't have to eat as much as you would if you were eating sugary carbohydrates such as cookies to start feeling full. You will also be taking in fewer calories.
1. Avoid the 100 calorie snack packs
Most are not very filling or healthy which means you will want another one or something more to eat shortly after eating the so called 'snack pack'.
2. Do not starve yourself
Believe it or not, doing so will do more harm than good in the long run. By starving yourself, you are training your body to store whatever fat you take in, so you don't lose weight. You are also training your body to slow your metabolism down which means you will burn off calories at a much slower rate.
3. Limit your junk food
This is common sense of course but it is important to be aware of what you are eating. One cookie could have 100's of calories in it.
4. Avoid juices and sodas
Check the label on what you drink. You may be surprised to find many drinks which appear to be healthy actually have a lot of sugar and calories in them.
5. Cheat early in the day if you are absolutely craving something
By giving in to your craving earlier in the day, you give yourself the rest of the day to burn off those calories rather than having them go right into storage as you are going to bed for the evening. Sometimes you just need to give into a craving so you satisfy it and can focus on your goal to lose weight quick without the distraction.
TIP / TRICK: Try to cheat in moderation - have a scoop of ice cream, not the whole container.
6. Limit alcohol consumption
Alcohol is empty calories. Typically when you drink alcohol, you also tend to snack and before you know it you have taken in 100's if not 1000's of calories. If you do have alcohol, try to chose a light beer or a clear liquor mixed with tonic water.
TIP / TRICK: Alternate an alcoholic drink with a bottle of water to still allow you to drink, but perhaps not as much. It is possible to lose weight quick if you can follow some reasonable healthy eating habits. These are just a few tricks to get you moving in the right direction and before you know it you will have that lean body that you have always desired.
Hopefully this quick list will help you make some changes so you can start to lose weight quick. But if you want to cut to the chase and lose weight quick through changing your eating habits, you may want to consider an established program with proven results. Check out this diet based plan http://www.reducestomachfat.net/fat-loss-4-idiots-review.php to decide if this is the type of program that will work for you.
For more options, including ones that incorporate exercise with healthy eating to really allow you to lose weight quick, be sure to check out the innovative ideas at: http://www.ReduceStomachFat.net/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Riley
How You Can Create Your Own Flat Tummy Diet
How You Can Create Your Own Flat Tummy Diet
By Paul Duncan
It is not all that difficult to create your own flat tummy diet. All you need is a little common sense and a little research to get you started.
The first step is to take a look at the food that you are eating at the moment. Make a list of the foods that you eat over a period of a week. Once you have your list you need to check it. The obvious foods that are bad for you will not be difficult to spot.
If your list contains foods from fast food shops, then these are the first things that you need to eliminate. Most of these types of foods are full of fat, sugars, excessive salt, and lots of calories. Cross those off your list.
Then check your list for foods that contain simple sugars. These will include cookies, pastries, cakes, and pretty much anything else that is purchased from a bakery. Virtually all these foods contain no nutritional value whatsoever. Cross these foods off your list as well.
Then check your list for fried foods. Anything that is fried in oil or fat is a definite obstacle to a flat tummy diet. Before you cross these foods off your list, check to see if any of these foods can be grilled, steamed, or broiled. If they can, leave them on your list, if not, cross them off.
I'll bet you don't have much of a list left now.
The next thing to do is to add to your meagre list. Think of the types of fruit that you like eating, and add them to your list. This will mean fresh fruits, not fruit out of tins. Fruits like oranges, apples, pears, melons, and so on are ideal.
Then think of all the vegetables that you wouldn't mind eating. Start adding these to your list. Anything like cabbage, brocolli, sprouts, carrots, peppers, and the like, will do. Again the focus should be on freshness.
Complete your list with lean meats, this should be mainly poultry, but you can add lean cuts of beef eaten once or twice a week.
Now you have your list of foods, the next step is how to eat them. Plan your daily meals so that you are eating 5 or 6 small meals a day, instead of 3 large meals. These smaller meals eaten more frequently are great foe a flat tummy diet. This is because your body will come to recognize that you are getting calories at regular intervals. This in turn will make your metabolism, burn calories at a faster rate.
If you can throw in some exercise with your new flat tummy diet, you will get even faster results.
If you don't feel confident enough to create your flat tummy diet, then visit us to find out what is the most widely used weight loss program on the internet today. Discover how thousands of people are losing up to 9 pounds in just 11 days, and finally managing to achieve the fat loss that they have always wanted.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Duncan